Zora - One Piece
H E L I O S !


. N A V I G A T I O N .

brain dump
blog entries
my art
dream journal
commonplace book
reviews (lit. & media)

. M I S C .

favourites animes
favourites manga
free lit. email subscriptions recs
obsessions infodump
gif collection
adoptables + pixel collection

have u got itchy bones??? - alex turner

update log(〃^▽^〃)

1 october, new microblog posts!
28 september, new microblog layout and post!
24 september, new american film review entry!
23 september, new diary entry!
5 september, new diary entry!
27 june new diary entry & newsletter page!
21 june, new diary entry!
19 june, new diary entry!
17 june, tweaking homepage. almost all pages added! also misc page added w my fave animanga! gna be updating those two pages regularly over de daysss
16 june, new homepage!
2 jan 2023, website start!


It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! Hit Counter

Welcome.. to the inner workings of my mind. Do you hear the screws moving? Let me introduce myself..

I'm a mid 20s something something superhero wizard during the day (and more cognomes), and just a girl at night.(* ̄▽ ̄)b
On this website I will put every thought and every interest I ever have. So essentially, it’s a life long passion project! I hope that in ten years it'll be crazy full of information.

I like a lot of things. I eat a lot of things. I sleep a lot. Currently I'm studying medicine and in my free time I translate Greek texts. At the moment I'm translating The Iliad.

I like being nostalgic over the old web as much as the next person. I also really like comedy shows. I have a button!! Featuring my ocs Ajax (left) and Alice (right) :3

That's all! Look through my website to learn more about me, what I like etc. And if you ever want to talk, send me an email! (ajaxhub111@gmail.com)

Lots of love,
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my ad! if u also have an ad, let me know and ill add it to my site!